G. Grabovoi English: THE JOURNEY FROM INFINITE SPACE TO HOME, develop clairvoyance and consciousness

you can download the video here: https://yadi.sk/i/9wDl5yZ0FebL6Q
Russian teacher Ilya Emmanuilov passed on this exercise to us
which, if performed every day, develops clairvoyance within six months,
as it happens to all of his students.

Thanks to Cosmic Eyes and Goggle Earth.

Useful numbers for psychological normalization:
Grigori Grabovoi
book "Series of numbers for psychological normalization", part 1 and 2

PROGNOSIS - 59801448 01918 - version of clairvoyance regarding
events that have not yet taken place.

CLAIRVOYANCE - 818 8849482167 - acquire knowledge of certain events
without the use of the senses or logical reasoning.


PERSISTENCE - 498 114 319 8 - a personal willful quality,
characterized by the ability to overcome external and internal obstacles
aimed at achieving an indeclinable goal,
despite difficulties and obstacles.

CONTROL - 514 318 718 48 -
one of the perfect mechanisms
of regulation of cognitive processes.

ACTION - 21471691819

COURAGE - 5986819 06888914 -
ability to act decisively and purposefully
in complex or dangerous conditions.

TRANQUILITY, BALANCE 514319893714 - Calm,
uniformity of character and behavior.

SELF-REALIZING PERSON - 191317 481901 -
a person who has reached the level of self-realization.
In particular, he/she is not burdened with envy,
cynicism, hatred, etc; not prone to depression neither
pessimism, tolerant of others, independent of conventions;
simple and democratic person with a sense of humor
of a philosophical nature
and also inclined to experiment
particular senses such as inspiration etc.

GOLDEN RULE OF CONDUCT - 591718 9181419 -
The people involved in the interpersonal interaction process
must rely on one imperative rule: a person must lead
himself in relation to another person in such a way as to
to inject new life into the other and also into oneself.
The traditional form is slightly different.
Behave with others as you would like them to behave with you.

NEED - 591718 048191

RESISTANCE - 518 498 47854818 - the power and process of productions
repression and support it through resistance
of ideas and symptoms that pass from the unconscious to consciousness.
Resistance is a sure sign of conflict
and is based on the same systems and higher classes as the psyche,
which in the past produced a shift.
Resistance can only be an expression of the Ego,
which in the past produced the REPRESSION - 59871798139,
and now he wants to keep it.

a process that occurs after the deletion of the
RESISTANCE - 518 498 47854818,
consisting in the fact that the ego has yet to win
the strength of compulsive gambling, i.e. attraction,
which transforms the unconscious influence
in the process of suppression of desire.

PRIVATION - 519488918 417 - one condition,
started through rejection and appeared due to a taboo.

OBSTACLE - 201 364 -


INTERNAL OBSTACLE 58188641 0164 -

STRESS - 819471 -

AGITATION - 291 814 888917 312 -

EMOTION, SENSITIVITY - 819471319488 -
Psychic Reading
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