Chamber of Clairvoyance - Ys VIII Lacrimosa of DANA part 46 - No Commentary

This video covers the third floor of the Sanctuary Crypts, Chamber of Clairvoyance. Here are the timestamps and notes.

Note: You will notice enemies who are transparent and you can't attack. You will eventually get a skill to attack them, but you'll just have to ignore them for them.

0:00 Chamber of Clairvoyance. The opening room is one giant fire puzzle. Best to clear out the whole room before doing the puzzle.
5:42 First shield enemy
6:19 first stone puzzle
11:32 Argura boss fight
15:56 Third Monolith
18:45 Io meets Dana again. This is the end of this floor of the crypt. Return to the top and head to the Palace.
22:03 Rastell is now a royal guard.
22:59 Dana plants a tree to help Adol
23:24 The Royal Palace is now above the water.
25:03 This is technically Eternia Royal Palace, but its named on the map as Archeozoic Chasm.
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