2/9/ 24 Psychic Readings & Predictions / Political Tarot/ New Moon Readings

#biden #merrick #garland #trump #carlson
Special counsel Jack Smith and Judge Aileen Cannon are butting heads and he is asking her to reverse her recent order for unsealing decisions he says would identify 2 dozen witnesses and expose them to threats. Will he be successful in getting her to change her mind?
Will Merrick Garland the attorney general do anything to help President Biden out after he bundered the job?
How is President Biden feeling right now and how does his political career in the next 3-4 months.
Trump thinks his luck has changed, how does his political career look?
How did Putin feel about Tucker Carlsons interview and what does he think of Carlson?
Is one of Putins inside persons meeting with one of Yevgeny Prigozhin's men in order to take him out?
Will the US finally get the funding to Ukraine for their fight against Russia and more weapons they need?
A rare 4.0 earthquake east of Cape Canaveral wednesday. Will there be more seismic activity in this area.
It's the New Moon in Aquarius and the Lunar New Year. What do our guides and angels want us to know? A reading for you and I for the weekend.
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